Updated on October 1, 2020
Marijuana is one of the most common and addictive drugs that teens will encounter. Marijuana is popular amongst your teen’s peers for the idea that it isn’t a hard drug, seen as just a way to relax and get high. The ill-informed teenagers are wrong, as marijuana can lead to long-term health problems. With it being easier to get a hold of than alcohol and cigarettes, marijuana is extremely dangerous
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 60 percent of kids that try drugs in high school choose marijuana. The National Institute on Drug Abuse also found that 14.6 million people use marijuana every year.
Signs of Teen Marijuana Use
You can tell that your teen has been smoking marijuana if they have bouts of uncontrollable laughter, bloodshot eyes, overly hungry or thirsty, a fuzzy memory and lack of coordination. Also, today’s home drug tests can easily find if your teen is abusing drugs because unlike other illegal drugs, traces of marijuana stay in your teen’s fat cells for up to a month.
Effects of Marijuana Use on Teens
Short-term effects of marijuana include learning problems, short-term memory loss, distorted perception, difficulties focusing and problem-solving, and decreased coordination. Long-term health effects of smoking marijuana include lung and heart issues, an increased risk of getting cancer and a decrease in immune system strength.
It is important that you talk to your children about the use of drugs and why they should shy away from them. If parents recognize any of the warning signs, they should immediately intervene and take the proper steps. Research has shown that people who begin using marijuana before treatment for your drug-using child may include a stint in a drug rehabilitation center. The rehabilitation center might include individual and group therapy to help your child.