Updated on October 2, 2020
TroubledTeens offers resource information that is designed to help parents understand the risk factors when dealing with troubled teens. There are various ideas on the determination of risk factors for behavioral issues, personality disorders and self-destructive behaviors that troubled teens are dealing with.
Some of the most important risk factors are biological and social. But, your teen may experience other factors on an individual basis: antisocial behaviors, use of drugs, aggressive behavior, behavior control problems and family factors. If your teen is acting on being exposed to these risks, please call TroubledTeens at 844-207-8307.
Some risk factors that your teen may experience are those that are the result of the home and family environment, like: bad disciplinary practices, parents with low education levels, inconsistent discipline, harsh disciplinary practices, low family involvement with teen, low emotional attachment to family members, poor teen supervision and conflict or violence in home.
There are also factors that your teen experiences in the school environment which can contribute to an increased risk of bad behavior in your teen: gang involvement, delinquent friends, poor academic performance, a victim of bullying, lack of school commitment and peer rejection.
The community also offers some possible risk factors for troubled teens to display bad behaviors, including moving from home to home, social disorganization in neighborhoods, neighborhoods with a concentration of poor residents, not too many economic opportunities, and lack of participation in community life.
Risk Factor’s in Troubled Teens Contribute to Bad Behavior
Essentially, teens with a high risk of displaying self-destructive behaviors is a result of not having good ways to cope with their emotions or deal with other people. They have not learned a positive way of reacting to their problems. Teens are more likely to have detrimental issues if they are exposed to certain situations, such as a need for attention, feeling rejected by their friends, being the victim of violence, having access to weapons, negative peer pressure, low self-esteem, childhood abuse, childhood neglect or a history of aggression.
If your child has been exposed to too many risk factors and has been acting out the bad behaviors that come with them, please take advantage of the therapeutic services and residential treatment options available. Your child can soon be on their way to recovery. Call TroubledTeens at 844-207-8307 to speak to our professional Admissions Director.